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nc pre-k

We provide access for eligible families to high-quality NC Pre-k services at elementary schools, Head Start centers, and private childcare sites located in Region A’s seven westernmost NC counties and on the Qualla Boundary. NC Pre-K is free for eligible families.

The NC Pre-K Program administered by the Region A Partnership for Children provides eligible families with access to full-time, high-quality Pre-K services at many elementary school, Head Start and private childcare sites located in the western seven counties of North Carolina and on the Qualla Boundary. 


NC Pre-K classrooms operate for at least 6 ½ hours a day for ten months.  Qualifying sites must be approved, must hold an NC four or five-star rated childcare license and must employ Lead Pre-K Teachers with a four-year degree. 


Links to the current application materials are below. Please submit all application materials to the school system, Head Start, or other NC Pre-K childcare center where you plan to enroll your child.


Learn more about NC Pre-K.



El Programa de Pre-Kínder de Carolina del Norte (también conocido como NC Pre-K) es administrado por el Partnership for Children de la Región A. Este programa les brinda a las familias elegibles el acceso a servicios de Pre-Kínder de alta calidad y a tiempo completo en muchas escuelas primarias, en programas Head Start y en centros privados de cuidado de niños ubicados en los siete condados del oeste de Carolina del Norte y dentro de la frontera Qualla.  Las aulas de NC Pre-K están en funcionamiento como mínimo seis horas y media al día, durante diez meses.  Los centros que califiquen deben ser aprobados, deben tener una licencia de cuidado de niños con calificación de cuatro o cinco estrellas de Carolina del Norte, y deben emplear a maestros Líderes de Pre-Kínder con un título de cuatro años.


Envíe todos los materiales de solicitud al programa escolar, Head Start o centro

privado donde obtuvo esta documentación.

preschool boy

apply now

Click the appropriate link below to access the application and consent form.

Submit all application materials to the school system, Head Start, or other NC Pre-K childcare center where you plan to enroll your child.

Meet The Team

Barbara Jefferys, NC Pre-K Coordinator



NC Pre-K Coordinator




Pam Coulthard, NC Pre-K Administrator



NC Pre-K Administrator



region a partnership for children



116 Jackson Street

Sylva, NC 28779

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